The Children Need Both Parents initiative amends current law (M.C.L.A. 722.26a) to require Michigan courts to recognize and respect the presumed right of both parents to joint physical and legal custody of their minor children in divorce and custody cases unless, by clear and convincing evidence, one parent is proven unfit.

Realistically, and in most instances, this bill would encourage parents to present mutually agreed upon parenting time plans for their minor children to the court for acceptance. Failing that, the court would be required to impose a “50/50” joint physical/legal custody parenting plan.

Although the equal and inalienable right of parents to the care, custody, and nurturing of their children is guaranteed and protected by the U.S. Constitution and upheld by numerous U.S. Supreme Court rulings, it is sadly and routinely ignored in over 90% of the divorce and custody cases brought before Michigan family courts.

Any court’s imposition of such a one parent living situation (when both parents are ‘fit’) contributes to the development of several burdensome outcomes for the child and for society at large (see examples listed on the opposite side of this form).

Placing your signature on this initiative petition and voting for its passage into law promotes our nation’s well-being in these areas.

Thank you for your support,


Petition Information


Dads of Michigan Petition for Joint Custody
Fathers are coming together to make sure they are able to stay in their kids’ lives. All across the state of Michigan, dads will be standing outside of post offices collecting signatures for a petition drive. more...

Local petitioners fight for joint custody
A petition drive to pass a bill amending the Michigan Child Custody Act of 1970 will be launched March 12. If passed, the amendment would create a rebuttable presumption that the award of joint legal and joint physical custody to the parties of a divorce is in the best interests of a minor child. more...


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